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Tell Congress that forest biomass is not clean energy

PetitionUnited States
Power plants that burn forest biomass emit 150 percent more climate-wrecking carbon pollution than those burning dirty coal, threatening our air quality, wildlife, forests, and the health of communities where polluters set up shop.

Tell Procter & Gamble to clean up its mess!

PetitionUnited States, Canada
Widespread industrial logging for forest products like P&G’s Charmin toilet paper is destroying more than one million acres of the boreal each year. We can push P&G to adopt stringent, climate-friendlier standards for their tissue products.

Fight climate change, save America’s mature forests!

PetitionUnited States
Forests—especially America's mature and old-growth forests—are natural climate solutions. But those on federal lands are threatened by ongoing logging, which means much of their stored carbon is rapidly released. Urge President Biden to create strong, lasting regulatory protections for mature…

No more fossil fuel industry handouts!

PetitionAlaska, United States
Under pressure by Big Oil and their polluter allies, the Interior Department is moving ahead to auction off more of our public lands and oceans to the fossil fuel industry.